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Phillip - excellent post. I had the opportunity to attend a presentation today by Larry Cohen, Prevention Institute Founder and Executive Director. According to his research,70% of healthcare spend is due to poor choices that were attributed to behavior or environment. Since the actual delivery of care accounts for a mere 10% of expense, Cohen advocates development of community centered medical homes. What a wonderful world it would be if the sluggish real estate sector could obtain appropriate financing to re-purpose/construct community centered medical malls in disadvantaged areas to provide many of the necessities and services that do not exist today. Opportunities abound for tenants to sell wholesome nutritious items, deliver health screenings, primary and behavioral health services, payers to educate individuals regarding their benefits/address claims issues, technology companies to educate regarding the gadgets, apps etc and fitness gurus to aid in development of active lifestyles. In exchange for prorated rental rates, each tenant would commit to participating in a collaborative effort, subject to definitive community benefit metrics. In summary, improvements in health, wellness and safety remain the key to fueling a vibrant and self-sufficient community/economy. Sounds like a win-win to me.

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