In my last post I suggested that those who allocate resources must provide ample guidance to ensure that local level health improvement strategies actually align with the best available evidence. I mentioned the University of Wisconsin What Works data base as well as the approach that the previous administration allocated its State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) resources in the state of Minnesota. But I indicated that What Works is not tailored to individual communities and that the Minnesota example is limited to health behavior interventions, not all population health determinants.
We know from the County Health Rankings and our own experiences that communities vary widely in both their health outcomes and the factors or determinants of those outcomes. There are many examples of both high and low ranking counties which vary on their determinant profile…some have high health care quality and access but poor behaviors, others have high social factors like education and income but poor air and water quality. Given limited resources, it is critical that investments be made carefully to have the most impact.
Would it be helpful to identify a set of Population Health Policy Packages that suggest the best options for local communities to make, given their outcomes and health determinants profile?
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