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What if funding for the super integrator came from financial incentives from employers and government for:
1) reaching health outcome goals, and
2) decreasing expeditures on medical care

Great blog! Central Oregon is creating a Regional Health Authority that sounds similar to this super integrator you describe.

We are beginning to use Triple Aim (TA) principles to improve population health in Hamilton County, Ohio. The local TA team is lsd Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center; thus the medical center initially served as the "super integrator". Progress was too slow, we believed, in part because health care organizations have a primary responsibility for treatment (rather than prevention - a key element of population health improvement) and are ofter suspiciously viewed as self-serving. When we transferred the integrator function to the county commissioners, we felt increased traction, improved pace of improvement and access to public resources such as surveillance. Public health funders (Medicaid, foundations, etc.) are playing increasingly important roles. To date, elected leaders as integrators, at least in Hamilton County, have not been able effectively to bring the private side to the table.
We agree that the "super integrator" function is key, but we have not figured out how to build this.
Seems like we may want to look at a voluntary collaborative of those responsible for allocation of public and private resources?

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